5 Hours Backend Development with Node JS Bootcamp

The “5 Hours Backend Development with Node.js Bootcamp” provides a comprehensive introduction to Node.js, covering its runtime environment, core modules, and setup. Participants will learn about file system operations, asynchronous programming, and building basic HTTP servers with routing and response handling. The bootcamp explores npm for dependency management, introduces Express.js for creating RESTful APIs, and includes hands-on projects like a file manipulator, web server, and CRUD API. The session concludes with an introduction to MongoDB, showcasing database connectivity, basic CRUD operations, and integration with Node.js/Express using Mongoose.

What will you Learn?

Introduction to Node.js

  • What is Node.js?
    • Overview of JavaScript runtime environment.
      • V8 Engine explanation.
        • Why choose Node.js? Key benefits like scalability, non-blocking I/O, event
        • Setting Up the Environment
          • Installing Node.js and npm.
            • Using the terminal or command prompt.
              • First Node.js script: console.log("Hello, Node!").
                • Running scripts using the node command.
                • Node.js Modules
                  • Core modules (e.g., fs, http, path, os).
                    • Importing and using modules.
                      • Creating custom modules.

                      Working with the File System and Asynchronous Programming

                      • File System Module (fs)
                        • Reading and writing files.
                          • Creating, renaming, and deleting files and directories.
                            • Synchronous vs. Asynchronous file operations.
                            • Asynchronous Programming Basics
                              • Understanding callbacks.
                                • Introduction to Promises.
                                  • Using async/await.
                                  • Hands-On Project 1: Basic File Manipulator
                                    • Create a script that reads a file, appends new content, and saves it.

                                    Building a Basic HTTP Server

                                    • HTTP Module
                                      • Setting up a basic HTTP server.
                                        • Handling requests and sending responses.
                                          • Understanding request methods (GET, POST) and status codes.
                                          • Routing Basics
                                            • Implementing simple routing for different URLs.
                                              • Serving HTML and JSON responses.
                                              • Hands-On Project 2: Basic Web Server
                                                • Build a web server that serves different messages based on the URL path.

                                                Using npm, Express, and Middleware

                                                • Introduction to npm (Node Package Manager)
                                                  • Installing packages.
                                                    • Managing dependencies with package.json.
                                                      • Popular npm packages (Express, dotenv, etc.).
                                                      • Express.js Basics
                                                        • Setting up an Express app.
                                                          • Routing in Express.
                                                            • Using middleware (body parsers, logging).
                                                            • Building RESTful APIs
                                                              • Understanding REST principles.
                                                                • Creating routes for GET, POST, PUT, DELETE.
                                                                • Hands-On Project 3: Basic REST API with Express
                                                                  • Build a simple REST API to manage a list of items (e.g., tasks or notes).
                                                                    • Implement CRUD (Create, Read, Update, Delete) operations.

                                                                    Connecting to a Database and Deploying

                                                                    • Database Basics with MongoDB
                                                                      • Introduction to MongoDB.
                                                                        • Using MongoDB Atlas or a local MongoDB instance.
                                                                          • Basic CRUD operations using Mongoose (an ORM for MongoDB).
                                                                            • Connecting Node.js/Express to MongoDB.