TypeScript for JavaScript Developers
What will you Learn?
Introduction to TypeScript
- What is TypeScript?
- Overview, benefits, and comparison with JavaScript
- Setting up TypeScript:
- Installing TypeScript, configuring tsconfig.json
- Basic Types:
- string, number, boolean, null, undefined, any, void and never
- Type Inference & Annotations:
- Implicit vs explicit types
- Type Aliases:
- Defining custom types with type
- Basic Functions:
- Type annotations in function parameters and return types
Intermediate TypeScript
- Union & Intersection Types:
- Interfaces vs. Types:
- Differences, use cases, and extending interfaces
- Type Assertion:
- Casting and converting types
- Enums:
- Arrays & Tuples:
- Typed arrays, multi-type tuples
- Generics:
- Creating reusable, type-safe components and functions
- Type Narrowing:
- Control flow based type inference (typeof, instanceof, in, etc.)
Advanced TypeScript
- Classes & Inheritance:
- Type-safe OOP in TypeScript, abstract classes, and inheritance
- Access Modifiers:
- Public, Private, Protected, and Readonly
- Decorators:
- Introduction to decorators and use cases in classes
- Namespaces & Modules:
- Organizing TypeScript code with namespaces and ES6 modules
- Mapped Types:
- Creating types dynamically using mapped types
- Conditional Types:
- Using extends to define types conditionally
TypeScript in the Real World
- TypeScript with React:
- Introduction to using TypeScript with React.js (including types for props and state)
- TypeScript with Node.js:
- Server-side TypeScript and integrating with Express.js
- TypeScript and REST APIs:
- Defining types for HTTP requests and responses
- TypeScript and NoSQL Databases:
- Integrating with databases like MongoDB
- Error Handling:
- Best practices for handling errors with TypeScript
Advanced TypeScript Techniques
- Utility Types:
- Built-in utility types (Partial, Required, Pick, Omit, etc.)
- Type Guards:
- Advanced type narrowing with custom type guards
- Advanced Generics:
- Constraints and multiple generics
- TypeScript with Webpack:
- Configuration and bundling TypeScript with Webpack
- Declaration Files:
- Writing and using .d.ts files
- Third-Party Libraries:
- Using TypeScript with external JavaScript libraries
Project and Deployment
- Building a TypeScript Project:
- Hands-on project that integrates TypeScript with either a frontend framework (React, Angular) or backend (Node.js)
- Deploying TypeScript Projects:
- Packaging and deploying TypeScript applications (with Webpack, Vercel, Heroku, etc.).
- Performance Optimization:
- Tips for improving performance in large TypeScript codebases
- Best Practices & Patterns:
- Code organization, naming conventions, and TypeScript design patterns